Nobody wants to change the return air filter in our homes. The filter door is usually located near your thermostat on the wall or in the ceiling. How would you feel if you never had to change this disgusting reminder how dirty our home's air really is? Installing a whole home air cleaner increases the filter from 1" to 5" thick filter called a media filter. You can have multiple levels of filtration built into the filter called MERV's Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values, report a filter's ability to capture larger particles between 0.3 and 10 microns (µm). This value is helpful in comparing the performance of different filters. and can be installed by Neighbors A/C & Heating. The 1" filter is perfectly okay, but after doing some research with our local department stores, the general public, people just like you and me, wind up paying between $7 & $15 for that 1" filter every month. However, with a media filter installed you could be getting a MERV rating of 13-16 and this filter is considered hospital level air quality.

A media filtration cabinet is installed before the evaporator coil and the furnace in your attics. This filter is changed during the annual seasonal maintenance with Neighbors A/C & Heating every 6-12 months. If you don't have a return air plenum on your air conditioning system, that would be an additional cost. This would depend on your living conditions. Smoking, animals, or children who constantly are in and out the house like a revolving door, would be a reason to replace the media filter bi-annually!
If the healthy air aspect of the media filter hasn't sold you, how about the idea that someone else changes the air filter, now that is priceless!
Removes Pollutants: Installed as part of your home's heating and cooling system, air cleaners permanently trap indoor allergens that can lead to respiratory problems. Control Dust: You'll notice less dust build up, making your home look and feel cleaner.
We know the extreme Texas heat often keeps our community from heading to the park or taking the dogs for a walk, and the only relief is the beach. However, more often than not we find excuses from participating in those outdoor activities due to poor air quality. Sources recommended we regularly air out the house and spend plenty of time outdoors. Now, with the city growing at this rate, the pollution rate is growing with it too. This is why I am posting this article. I found with ActiveAire whole home air purification systems and the whole home air filtration systems would make a big difference in our indoor air quality. Coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes,
are symptoms of exposure to air pollutants. Allergies, such as tree pollens, mold, car exhaust, smoking, viruses such as Covid 19 all can be eliminated with the whole home air cleaners. Either you're going to add filtration to your home air conditioning system or your lungs, your families lungs, your pets lungs, your newborn's lungs are going to filter the polluted air. If you spend more than 80% of your time indoors, it’s important to install a whole house air purification & filtration systems, it’s really that simple, if you think about it like that.

"We are grateful for the whole home air purification because the particle's that contaminate our livings space would be in our lungs." 5 star customer review
Consider installing a media air cleaner filtration cabinet to your much loved lived in home either at the time of the air conditioning system replacement or calling to have just the indoor air quality products installed today.
Call Neighbors A/C & Heating to have your filters upgraded today! 832-784-8890